Advisor (Financial)
Dr. Anders Jepsen
Explorers Club

The career of Dr Anders Jepsen has made use of many of his skills, but perhaps the most significant is the ability to communicate on business and engineering matters between end-users, engineers and financiers. He completed his graduate work in Engineering Science at the University of California, Berkeley and subsequently co-founded Environmental Measurements, Inc., serving as Vice President and Director of Research, during which time he developed the use of the remote sensing Correlation Spectrometer for the quantitative measurement of effluent from smoke stacks and the development of mobile air pollution laboratories.

Dr Jepsen co-founded Eureka Resource Associates, an energy resource consulting firm, and two years later founded Electromagnetic Surveys, Inc., a contract geophysical exploration company which he operated for 10 years in areas around the world. Later he led the development of a field portable data logger for use on gas wells and on environmental programs in air and water pollution. He has also worked as a consultant to the mineral exploration industry, both on specific technical projects and in finding investment for the development of resources in foreign countries.

Dr Jepsen was a co-founder of HelioDynamics, Ltd., a solar technology development company focused on concentrating solar systems for air conditioning and electric power. Presently he is consulting in the area of industrial waste heat recovery to generate electric power. One of his major interests is in helping foreign organizations to do business in the US market. He is also active in The Cassava Project which aims to use solar power to enhance the processing of cassavas for subsistence farmers in Africa both for enhanced food production and to generate bio-fuel.