Radio operator
Carlos Nascimento, Ph.D., NP4IW
Austral Chemicals

Carlos is 66 years old and was born in Santiago, Chile. He is a biochemist, holding a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas). He has over 58 scientific publications and five US patents. He left Chile over 30 years ago. He lived for three years in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where he was licensed with his present Extra Class (NP4IW). In addition, he holds a "Superior" class in Chile (XQ3AQI).

He was one of the organizers (with KK6EK) of the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gómez expedition XRØY/Z. He personally led the expedition to Salas y Gómez (XRØZ) resulting in a new IOTA (SA-083). He was one of the organizers (with KK6EK and ON6TT) of the 1997 Heard Island (VKØIR) expedition. He was the prime organizer and expedition leader for the 2002 San Félix expedition (XRØX). He was a member of the Peter I Island expedition (3YØX) in 2006. He continues participating in several radio contests, particularly from the South of Chile as part of the Temuco Radio Club, Chile (XR6T).